“Keberuntungan bukan karena tanpa sengaja tetapi lebih karena efek dari proses yang baik”

Senin, 11 April 2016


Dalam tes TOEFL, Anda akan diuji dalam memahami teks lisan (Listening Comprehension). Soal Listening dalam tes TOEFL bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan dalam memahami bahasa lisan. Namun, tidak hanya sekadar kemampuan mendengarkan bahasa Inggris lisan, tapi juga pengetahuan tata bahasa Inggris (grammar) yang memadai. Semua kalimat dalam bagian ini menggunakan kalimat gramatikal dan biasanya dalam bentuk kalimat lengkap yang diucapkan dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris.
Bagi sebagian besar para calon peserta tes TOEFL, bagian soal TOEFL listening dianggap sebagai bagian yang paling sulit diantara beberapa bagian lain seperti reading dan structure. Padahal sebenarnya reading dan structure justru merupakan bagian yang harus benar-benar dipelajari secara detail karena berkaitan langsung dengan tata bahasa. Sedangkan untuk bisa mengerjakan soal listening dengan lancar, diperlukan untuk berlatih berulang-ulang dan memperbanyak kosakata Bahasa Inggris. Pada dasarnya, soal-soal pada listening terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu part A dan part B.
examples of instructions or command in the example problems TOEFL listening Part A.

In Part A , you will hear short conversations between two speakers . At the end of each conversation is a third voice will ask a question about waht was said . The question will be spoken just one time . After you hear a conversation and the question about it , read the four possible answers and Decide the which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard . The find on your answer sheet the number of the problem and mark your answer.
(Man) : I am trying to find a book by author Sterling Watson. Do you know where I should look?
(Woman) : He's a fiction writer, isn't he? Log on to this computer. Click on fiction, and then search by author name. See? Oh, he has written quite a few books, although I've never heard of him.
(Man) : His books were never in the top ten, but I like his style. I took a class from him at the University of Florida.
Narrator :  What does the man say about Sterling Watson?
Tulisan dalam buku test Anda:
A.  He is required to read one of his books but does not like his writing.
B.  He has never read any of his works previously.
C.  He appreciates his writing style.
D.  He learned about his books from a computer.
Jawaban :  (C) He appreciates his writing style.
Keyword : I like his style
Pembahasan : "His books were never in the top ten, but I like his style" yang dinyatakan oleh laki-laki tersebut jelas bahwa buku-buku pengarang tersebut tidak pernah pada urutan sepuluh terbaik tetapi dia menyukainya yang berarti bahwa laki-laki tersebut menghargai tulisan sang penulis.
examples of instructions or command in the example problems TOEFL listening Part B.

In Part B, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked some questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says.
When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
(Man) :  I can't believe we have to read this entire book by Monday.
(Woman) : Some teachers think you have nothing else to do besides prepare for their class.
(Man) : Well, my boss thinks the same thing about my job — that it's the only thing I have to do.
(Woman) : Oh, I didn't know you were working. What do you do?
(Man) : I do bookkeeping work for a small company on Saturdays. This weekend, I have to prepare end of the quarter reports to give to the accountant on Monday.
(Woman) : You'd better start reading soon.
Narrator : 1. What does the man imply about the assignment?
                  2. What does the man imply about some teachers?
                  3. What does the woman suggest that the man do?
                  4. What does the man say about his work?
Tulisan dalam buku test Anda:
1.  A. It is too much to read in such a short time.
    B. He has already read the material.
    C. He can read at work.
    D. The teacher knows that he has a job.
2. A. They are understanding.
    B. They give thought-provoking assignments.
    C. They act like taking their class is the only thing a student has to do.
    D. They are unprepared.
3. A. Skip work
    B. Begin work on the assignment as soon as possible
    C. Quit the class
    D. Stay up all night
4. A. He does manual labor.
    B. He dislikes his job.
    C. His employer is very understanding.
    D. He works with figures.
Pembahasan untuk soal-soal di atas adalah:
1. Jawab : (A)     It is too much to read in such a short time
    Keyword : can't believe
    Pembahasan :  Ungkapan "can't believe" mengindikasikan bahwa yang diungkapkan tersebut suatu hal yang luar biasa/ memberatkan.
2. Jawab : (C) They act like taking their class is the only thing a student has to do
    Key word : Some teachers think you have nothing else to do besides prepare for their class
    Pembahasan : Kalimat pada kata kunci mengimplikasikan bahwa para guru tidak terlalu peduli pada kesibukan para siswa, dan para guru berfikir bahwa para siswa tersebut hanya mengikuti kelas mereka.
3. Jawab : (B) Begin work on the assignment as soon as possible
    Key word :  You'd better start reading soon.
    Pembahasan : Kalimat pada kata kunci mengindikasikan bahwa sebaiknya sang laki-laki segera memulai pekerjaannya secepat mungkin.
4. Jawab : (D) He works with figures
    Keyword :  my boss thinks the same thing about my job
    Pembahasan :  Dari yang diucapkan laki-laki tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa dia bekerja pada orang lain.
Demikian pembahasan tentang toefl listening, semoga lancar dalam pembelajaran soal toefl listening ini, amin.

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buat kawan yang sudah berkomentar saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak ^_^
kesenangan kawan kesenangan saya juga ^_^